Gnome Zone

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What are the facts about gnomes, what do we know about them? Not a lot! They enjoy sharing tidbits about themselves - but they dance around the details so you never know what gnome info to believe. Yes, gnomes are puzzling creatures - sometimes friendly, sometimes elusive, but in the end they're unknowable to humans – just as they've alway intended!

Gnomes originally hail from Northern Europe. Traditionally they wore red pointed hats and carried lanterns, but in recent years they've branched out and now sport all kinds of different colors and styles.

Just like you and me, they like to follow trends and no longer feel confined to their time-honored role of guarding the garden. It's a whole new world!

The Gnome Zone invaded by the OpenSet. Testing Multistream super quick. The Gnome Zone - short (probably) test stream - 61BPM. March 2 at 2:19 AM TUE, MAR 2. SYNTHFEST MARCH 2021 — Special 303 Recipe —. No Gnome Zone You Are Entering a No Gnome Zone No Gnomes Allowed Click the button below for a printable 'No Gnome Zone' sign: 532. Gerben explored different ideas to have each gnome transform into a unique and funny pose. More polished final poses. FUN FACT: At one point, there was an idea for a gnome hot tub pose!

Namaste. (Or should we say Gnomaste?) Here's a gnome who's kept up with the times. This Zen little fellowis available at Amazon.

(The Gnome-Zone may earn a small fee for any purchases made through this link.)

Want to know even more facts about gnomes? When and how did they migrate to our shores? Why do they look the way they do? Aren't these the questions that keep YOU up at night?

This book will answer a lot of your pressing gnome questions. Written by Wil Huygen in 1977, it is a great source of gnome lore.

(The Gnome-Zone may earn a small fee for any purchases made through this link.)
Image by Melly95 from Pixabay

The Story Behind Garden Gnomes Is More Compelling Than You Might Think

We've all heard of Snow White and the seven dwarves (ahem...they were gnomes actually, but I digress). But have you heard of Sir Charles Isham and his 21 garden gnomes?

Well, once upon a time back in 1847, Sir Charles Isham was followed back to England - after trip to Nuremberg, Germany - by 21 little gnomes. Now these little guys took up residence in...wait, why not read the article and get all the gnome info for yourselves?

Battle Gnomes - Defending Gardens One Zucchini at a Time

Gnomes are peaceful, nature-loving individuals - usually. But there is a subset of gnomes who are more restless and combative by nature.

Shawn Thorsson of Petaluma, CA, helps these gnomes channel their more aggressive tendencies by outfitting them to join a militia that battles for truth, justice, and collard greens.

Human Garden Gnome - More Gnome Facts (Weird Jobs in History)

Want to know even more weird facts about gnomes? Well, they can be shy, they're a bit free spirited, plus they don't typically look for employment.

But what if you really, REALLY, want to hire a garden gnome? Hmm...there are ways around that!


GTimeZone — a structure representing a time zone


GTimeZone *g_time_zone_ref()
GTimeZone *g_time_zone_new()
GTimeZone *g_time_zone_new_local()
GTimeZone *g_time_zone_new_utc()
GTimeZone *g_time_zone_new_offset()
const gchar *g_time_zone_get_identifier()
const gchar *g_time_zone_get_abbreviation()

Types and Values



GTimeZone is a structure that represents a time zone, at noparticular point in time. It is refcounted and immutable.

Each time zone has an identifier (for example, ‘Europe/London’) which isplatform dependent. See g_time_zone_new() for information on the identifierformats. The identifier of a time zone can be retrieved usingg_time_zone_get_identifier().

A time zone contains a number of intervals. Each interval hasan abbreviation to describe it (for example, ‘PDT’), an offset to UTC and aflag indicating if the daylight savings time is in effect during thatinterval. A time zone always has at least one interval — interval 0. Notethat interval abbreviations are not the same as time zone identifiers(apart from ‘UTC’), and cannot be passed to g_time_zone_new().

Every UTC time is contained within exactly one interval, but a givenlocal time may be contained within zero, one or two intervals (due toincontinuities associated with daylight savings time).

An interval may refer to a specific period of time (eg: the durationof daylight savings time during 2010) or it may refer to many periodsof time that share the same properties (eg: all periods of daylightsavings time). It is also possible (usually for political reasons)that some properties (like the abbreviation) change between intervalswithout other properties changing.

GTimeZone is available since GLib 2.26.


g_time_zone_unref ()

Decreases the reference count on tz.


Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_ref ()

Increases the reference count on tz.

Gnome leveling zones



a new reference to tz.

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_new ()

Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to identifier.

identifier can either be an RFC3339/ISO 8601 time offset orsomething that would pass as a valid value for the TZ environmentvariable (including NULL).

In Windows, identifier can also be the unlocalized name of a timezone for standard time, for example 'Pacific Standard Time'.

Valid RFC3339 time offsets are 'Z' (for UTC) or'±hh:mm'. ISO 8601 additionally specifies'±hhmm' and '±hh'. Offsets aretime values to be added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to getthe local time.

In UNIX, the TZ environment variable typically correspondsto the name of a file in the zoneinfo database, an absolute path to a filesomewhere else, or a string in'std offset [dst [offset],start[/time],end[/time]]' (POSIX) format.There are no spaces in the specification. The name of standardand daylight savings time zone must be three or more alphabeticcharacters. Offsets are time values to be added to local time toget Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and should be'[±]hh[[:]mm[:ss]]'. Dates are either'Jn' (Julian day with n between 1 and 365, leapyears not counted), 'n' (zero-based Julian daywith n between 0 and 365) or 'Mm.w.d' (day d(0 <= d <= 6) of week w (1 <= w <= 5) of month m (1 <= m <= 12), day0 is a Sunday). Times are in local wall clock time, the default is02:00:00.

In Windows, the 'tzn[+ –]hh[:mm[:ss]][dzn]' format is used, but alsoaccepts POSIX format. The Windows format uses US rules for all timezones; daylight savings time is 60 minutes behind the standard timewith date and time of change taken from Pacific Standard Time.Offsets are time values to be added to the local time to getCoordinated Universal Time (UTC).

g_time_zone_new_local() calls this function with the value of theTZ environment variable. This function itself is independent ofthe value of TZ, but if identifier is NULL then /etc/localtimewill be consulted to discover the correct time zone on UNIX and theregistry will be consulted or GetTimeZoneInformation() will be usedto get the local time zone on Windows.

If intervals are not available, only time zone rules from TZenvironment variable or other means, then they will be computedfrom year 1900 to 2037. If the maximum year for the rules isavailable and it is greater than 2037, then it will followedinstead.

SeeRFC3339 §5.6for a precise definition of valid RFC3339 time offsets(the time-offset expansion) and ISO 8601 for thefull list of valid time offsets. SeeThe GNU C Library manualfor an explanation of the possiblevalues of the TZ environment variable. SeeMicrosoft Time Zone Index Valuesfor the list of time zones on Windows.

Gnome Zone

You should release the return value by calling g_time_zone_unref()when you are done with it.



the requested timezone

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_new_local ()

Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to local time. The local timezone may change between invocations to this function; for example,if the system administrator changes it.

This is equivalent to calling g_time_zone_new() with the value ofthe TZ environment variable (including the possibility of NULL).

You should release the return value by calling g_time_zone_unref()when you are done with it.

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_new_utc ()

Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to UTC.

This is equivalent to calling g_time_zone_new() with a value like'Z', 'UTC', '+00', etc.

You should release the return value by calling g_time_zone_unref()when you are done with it.

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_new_offset ()

Creates a GTimeZone corresponding to the given constant offset from UTC,in seconds.

This is equivalent to calling g_time_zone_new() with a string in the form[+ -]hh[:mm[:ss]].



a timezone at the given offset from UTC.

[transfer full]

Since: 2.58

g_time_zone_find_interval ()

Finds an interval within tz that corresponds to the given time_.The meaning of time_ depends on type.

If type is G_TIME_TYPE_UNIVERSAL then this function will alwayssucceed (since universal time is monotonic and continuous).

Otherwise time_ is treated as local time. The distinction betweenG_TIME_TYPE_STANDARD and G_TIME_TYPE_DAYLIGHT is ignored except inthe case that the given time_ is ambiguous. In Toronto, for example,01:30 on November 7th 2010 occurred twice (once inside of daylightsavings time and the next, an hour later, outside of daylight savingstime). In this case, the different value of type would result in adifferent interval being returned.

It is still possible for this function to fail. In Toronto, forexample, 02:00 on March 14th 2010 does not exist (due to the leapforward to begin daylight savings time). -1 is returned in thatcase.

Gnome starting zone classic




a GTimeZone


the GTimeType of time_


a number of seconds since January 1, 1970


the interval containing time_, or -1 in case of failure

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_adjust_time ()

Finds an interval within tz that corresponds to the given time_,possibly adjusting time_ if required to fit into an interval.The meaning of time_ depends on type.

This function is similar to g_time_zone_find_interval(), with thedifference that it always succeeds (by making the adjustmentsdescribed below).

In any of the cases where g_time_zone_find_interval() succeeds thenthis function returns the same value, without modifying time_.

This function may, however, modify time_ in order to deal withnon-existent times. If the non-existent local time_ of 02:30 wererequested on March 14th 2010 in Toronto then this function wouldadjust time_ to be 03:00 and return the interval containing theadjusted time.


Gnome Leveling Zones


a GTimeZone


the GTimeType of time_


a pointer to a number of seconds since January 1, 1970

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_get_identifier ()

Get the identifier of this GTimeZone, as passed to g_time_zone_new().If the identifier passed at construction time was not recognised, UTC willbe returned. If it was NULL, the identifier of the local timezone atconstruction time will be returned.

The identifier will be returned in the same format as provided atconstruction time: if provided as a time offset, that will be returned bythis function.



identifier for this timezone

Since: 2.58

g_time_zone_get_abbreviation ()

Determines the time zone abbreviation to be used during a particularinterval of time in the time zone tz.

For example, in Toronto this is currently 'EST' during the wintermonths and 'EDT' during the summer months when daylight savings timeis in effect.



a GTimeZone


an interval within the timezone


the time zone abbreviation, which belongs to tz

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_get_offset ()

Determines the offset to UTC in effect during a particular intervalof time in the time zone tz.

The offset is the number of seconds that you add to UTC time toarrive at local time for tz (ie: negative numbers for time zoneswest of GMT, positive numbers for east).



a GTimeZone


an interval within the timezone


the number of seconds that should be added to UTC to get thelocal time in tz

Since: 2.26

g_time_zone_is_dst ()

Determines if daylight savings time is in effect during a particularinterval of time in the time zone tz.



a GTimeZone


an interval within the timezone

Since: 2.26

Types and Values


GTimeZone is an opaque structure whose members cannot be accesseddirectly.

Gnome Starting Zone

Since: 2.26

enum GTimeType

Disambiguates a given time in two ways.

First, specifies if the given time is in universal or local time.

Gnome Starting Zone

Second, if the time is in local time, specifies if it is localstandard time or local daylight time. This is important for the casewhere the same local time occurs twice (during daylight savings timetransitions, for example).

Gnome Zone


Gnome Starting Zone Classic


the time is in local standard time


the time is in local daylight time


the time is in UTC

Gnome Rhymezone

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