Online Poker Vs Real Poker

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Online Poker Vs Real Poker Average ratng: 4,5/5 7061 reviews

Online poker, which takes the game to the internet and connects players from around the world to play and compete with one another in online casinos, can make a poor man rich on a lucky night. The money that is transferred in these online.

An excerpt from the book 'The Intelligent Guide to Texas Hold'em Poker' by Sam Braids

  1. We could be forgiven for thinking that bet sizes should be around the same level.
  2. Online poker is much more interactive, dealing with real players in real time. Fantasy sports on the other hand is played through preparation and simulations, so direct interaction with others is limited.
  3. Ignition’s Online Poker Tournaments. The online poker real money craze started with tournament poker, and Ignition Poker is proud to offer the No. 1 online poker tournament experience on the planet.

With the growth of online poker, much can be written comparing the experience of online poker to that of a real cardroom. If you have tried one venue and not the other, or must decide in which venue to begin, here are some general considerations.

Much lower limit games exist online than are found in a real cardroom. You can start your real-money poker career online much cheaper than in a real cardroom. It is possible to find $0.25–0.50 Hold’em games online, whereas stakes that low would never produce enough profit for the house in a real cardroom (the lowest limit games found in real cardrooms are usually $2–4).

Online play has much less overhead than a real cardroom. As a result, it is easier to be more selective about the games you choose to join. If you go to a real cardroom, you must incur the travel expenses. For many people, the travel is out-of-town with expenditures required for airline, taxis, dining, and overnight stay. Even if you live close to a real cardroom, it costs money to drive your car and park. At the tables, waitresses will provide drinks and snacks, for which they expect a tip. Dealers also expect a tip from each pot that you win. All of these expenses are in addition to the rake the casino takes for conducting the game. To profit from play in a real cardroom, all of these expenditures constitute overhead that must be paid from your winnings before a profit is realized.

Psychologically, overhead makes it difficult to be selective with the games in which you choose to compete. All poker books stress the need for choosing the right game, one that is within your betting limits and populated with enough poor players to be profitable. Much has been written on choosing the right seat at the right game. But suppose after spending substantial time and money getting to a cardroom, you can’t find an ideal seat at a good game. Naturally, you will play in the available seat in whatever game is underway.

Another feature of online play is the impossibility of violating conduct rules during play. You cannot act out of turn, place string bets, see other player’s cards, show your cards to others, or squirrel money away unseen in a table-stakes game. The software rigidly enforces the rules of the game and precisely displays all the game parameters. At all times, you know precisely the number of active players, how much money each has, and how much money is in the pot.

In the privacy of your home, you can have poker charts and tables open to aid in your decision-making, and make notes as you play. It is easy to know the exact pot odds (a concept that will be discussed in the next chapter) when you bet because the exact amount in the pot is displayed and you can tape a chart on odds from this book above your computer screen. The chart in Chapter 4— Minimum Pot Size for Correct Pot Odds—is especially useful for online play. When online, there is no one blowing smoke in your face, an uncomfortable distraction to many. If you do smoke, no one will complain or ask you to move.


In contrast, poker in a cardroom is a social event. Players talk, joke, and get angry with one another. If you get confused, people help you out. The waitress brings drinks and snacks. The dealers switch tables frequently and banter with the players. There is sensuality in a cardroom that fancy graphics and sound effects cannot create on a computer screen: the feel of the weight of real chips when you bet, the stiff shiny cards that you lift slightly off the table to view, the many kinds of people that play poker—all races, ages, professions, and economic backgrounds.

The social environment of a cardroom also means you can observe mannerisms and gestures that are clues to your opponents’ thoughts, which are called “tells.” Is someone who was staring off into space now paying close attention? Is someone so anxious to bet that their chips are in hand well before it is their turn? Is someone visibly disgusted with the river card? Obviously, none of this is observable online. However, that does not mean online play is completely free of “tells.” Online players have their own response rhythms that will vary with the decisions they make. Most poker room software allows the player to click an action button at any time before their turn, even though the action will not be executed until it is their turn. Pre-planned actions show up as instant responses, a possible “tell” that the player had an easy decision to make. Players may also use the instant response buttons as a bluff. Player personalities, as manifested by their betting patterns, are discernable in any environment. A player who bets aggressively is obvious both online and in-person.

My recommendation is that if you are learning poker, go online and check out the resources. Participate in play-money games as a way of learning the mechanics and structure of the game. However, the first time you play for real money, do so in-person, in a cardroom surrounded by people you can observe and talk to. Do not play online until you have developed a good poker sense and can know immediately if the game situation is not working for you. However, once you are comfortable with poker and know yourself and your limits, online poker allows you to play anytime from anywhere.

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Poker Has Moved on From the Casinos to the Internet. Yet, the Game Remains the Same.
Online Poker vs Live Poker – Players Divided on Which They Like Better

Online Poker vs Live Poker – The Similarities, The Differences

Even though both Online & Live Poker games are one and the same, there’s considerable debate in poker circles as to the advantages and disadvantages of playing online or live Poker as both have their own sets of rewards & challenges. Let’s understand the basic similarities and differences between playing online & live Poker.

Online Poker Vs Real Poker

Quick Basics:

  1. Every player is dealt two cards face down
  2. Five community cards are placed on the table (whose value is shown as the round progresses).
  3. All players try to make the best five-card combination from among the board and personal cards and bet on the same.
  4. Best hand at the end of the round is declared the winner(s) and wins the pot.

Online Poker – The best thing about online poker is that you can play your favourite form of Poker from basically anywhere in the world. All you need is a smartphone with a working Internet connection. There are countless numbers of websites offering various discounts and offers on deposits etc. There are also different types of games happening round the clock giving you the option to play NLHE or PLO, free or cash poker games, freerolls or cash tourneys.

Live Poker – Playing poker in real life is much more exciting than playing online. The feel of the casinos, the ambience and atmosphere is exhilarating and makes you feel like anything’s possible tonight! There is also a psychological element to it since you are sitting face-to-face with your opponents to notice their tells, decoding their expressions and looking for something to help you win the hand.

Did You Know: Most professional players play live poker wearing sunglasses even though the casinos are dimly lit poker. This is to ensure opponents cannot see a player’s eyes, which can give away important information and betray your thoughts.

Online Poker vs Live Poker Differences

There are some significant differences between Online Poker and Live Poker which set them far apart from each other. Here’s a few-

PLAYERS: People always act differently online person than they do in person. More players online will chase draws, raise and go all-in with weak hole cards. This is seldom seen in live poker, with the exception of newbies who do not know or are still learning the game of skill.

STRATEGY: If you play live poker with the same strategy as you do with online poker, you are bound to lose. Yes, the basic concept of the game still remains the same, but in live poker, a player can pick up the opponent’s physical tells while busy hiding his/her own emotions, which doesn’t happen online. So, a player instead has to rely on the opponent’s betting patterns gain the upper hand in online poker.

CONVENIENCE: You can play online poker from basically anywhere in the world. All you need is a smartphone with a working Internet connection. You don’t need to go to Goa or Vegas casinos, or even your nearest poker club to play some poker, there are countless numbers of websites offering to choose from. Playing poker in casinos requires you to follow the casino rules, like dress code etc. Also, you can play more than one game at a time online. This multi-table feature is not feasible in live poker games.

POKER FACE: Emotional control is an important part of playing poker. The better you are at hiding your emotions, the better you will be at playing live poker. However, physical tells are of no importance in online poker since players are way apart (sometimes separated by counties and continents).

PACE: Online poker moves at a much faster pace than live poker. Also, players don’t have to wait for the dealer to deal, shuffle, or count chips in online poker.

BLUFFING: Bluffs are crucial to the game of poker. Since the players are not face-to-face in online poker, people can bluff much easier without getting caught. It also happens a lot more in online poker than live poker.

ANONYMITY: In live poker games with friends or at casinos, you can see and know who your opponents are and vice versa. But since this is not an option in online poker, this allows players to remain anonymous. Remember: a player with the username NOOB may be a seasoned professional trying to fool you so that you underestimate them.

Online Poker Sites

It’s only by knowing how to master the basics do you become a poker player who is taken seriously by his/her opponents. Learn more about the basics of poker-

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