Turn In Poker

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As the game develops, this hand happens: Player ' X ' has and the flop is. Player ' X ' bets the flop and two other players call. On the turn, a appears on the board. Poker game toppling the traditional series games from their thrones with Turn Texas Holdem Poker will even be more exciting and full of ambition. Your account will never be closed under certain. Lead instructor Evan from Gripsed.com walks you through how to approach playing the turn in no-limit hold'em. In this presentation you will learn about:1. Players in a poker game act in turn, in clockwise rotation (acting out of turn can negatively affect other players). Before the cards are even dealt, the rules of the Poker game being played may require that each player put an initial contribution, called an 'ante,' of one or more chips into the pot, to start it off. Each betting interval, or round, begins when a player, in turn.

Hand Guide: Preflop > Flop > Turn > River

Turn strategy overview.

The turn is a much forgotten about betting round that does not get nearly enough as much attention as it should. Most strategy articles seem to focus on playing the flop and river well, but leave out the turn and almost consider it to be a bridge between two more important streets.

However, turn strategy is actually a key part of any poker hand, as it is the point where the pot has usually grown to such a point from the preflop and flop betting rounds that you now will be making a decision about whether or not to commit yourself to the hand.

Most player have a decent strategy for the preflop and flop betting rounds, but have no real game plan for when the turn comes around.


The turn is almost like a continuation of the flop, but with the stakes raised a lot more. If you and your opponent have been betting correctly in previous betting rounds, you should find that any bets or plays you make on this street will commit a large portion of your stack into the middle. Therefore knowing whether to continue to fight for the hand or to let it go is a very important ability that no player should neglect.

Turn Order In Poker

Don't be afraid to let a hand go.

When playing the turn, it is important to stay focused and assess the strength of your hand. Many players have the problem of not being able to let the hand go because they feel that they have come so far in the hand, that is worth their while to continue to see the river. This is a terrible way to play and will cost you a lot of money if you are not able to make clear and educated decisions on the turn.

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On the turn, you should be contemplating whether you are going to commit to the rest of the hand or not. It is not a good idea to muddle your way through the hand and hope for the best, so have a clear idea in your head about what you are going to do and be happy with it. You should be happy to fold a mediocre hand at this point, as you do not want to be committing a much larger amount of money to the pot with a hand that may well be second best. So learn to let go.

Always keep a clear strategy in your head for each stage of a hand and your decisions will become a lot easier.

Typical turn strategy situations.

When you find yourself at the turn, you will normally be in one of the following situations.

  1. You are continuing with a strong hand.
  2. You are continuing with a bluff.
  3. You called with a mediocre made hand.
  4. You called for a draw on the flop and missed.
  5. You called for a draw on the flop and hit.

1] You are continuing with a strong hand.

If you are at the turn with a strong hand, you should be looking to continue the action and bet if you feel that your opponent has not improved a possible draw. At this point you have probably not been given enough information to assume that your opponent has you beat, and so you should continue to make strong bets and lay down bad odds if they are on a draw.

If your opponent comes over the top of you and raises, you will have to reassess the strength of your hand and consider folding. Not many players will raise a bet on the turn unless they have a very strong hand themselves.

2] You are continuing with a bluff.

If you made a continuation bet on the flop and got called, you are in a very sticky situation indeed. You are now faced with a predicament of whether to fire a second barrel or to let the hand go. In most cases it is better to check and let the hand go to any action, hoping that you get to see a free river card.

Firing a second barrel is a dangerous play, and it is advised that only the more experienced players attempt this sort of bluff.

However, if you can be fairly sure that you can force your opponent to fold with a strong bet, it may be a good play to bet again on the turn. But again, the majority of the time it will be safer to let the hand go and save your money for another hand.

3] You called with a mediocre made hand.

If you called on the flop with a half decent hand like middle pair, you were essentially calling to see how your opponent reacts on the turn. Therefore you should look to fold the hand if your opponent continues to show strength, and look to bet if your opponent checks to you and shows weakness.

Your opponent may have been making a continuation bet on the flop and is now shutting down because of your call on the flop, so now you are in a prime position to take down the pot. This is known as a ‘float play’, and it can be made with any two cards as a bluff to pick off continuation bettors.

4] You called for a draw on the flop and missed.

If you missed your draw on the turn, you should roughly use the same strategy on this street as you did on the flop. Your odds to complete your draw will almost be exactly the same, so try and get to see the river for as cheaply as possible. It is less likely that you will be given the correct odds at this point to call for your draw, so it is probable that you will need to fold your draw at this point unless you feel you have mammoth implied odds to play on in an attempt to complete your draw.

Never feel committed to call large bets on the turn to try and complete your draw. Stick with the mathematics and only call if you are getting good odds.

5] You called for a draw on the flop and hit.

If you were lucky enough to hit your draw on the turn, you are now in the mode to try and extract as much money as possible. If you are first to act, betting or checking as both acceptable plays, and you should choose the one that you think would make you the most money.

I would lean toward betting to make sure I was forcing the action and making sure that I gave my opponent to put money into the pot. If you are last to act then it is almost imperative to bet, otherwise you will be missing out on an opportunity to build the pot. If your opponent isn't going to put any more money in at this point, then it is unlikely that will be putting any money in on the river either, so make sure you try and extract as much money as possible.

Other turn strategy tips.

You should try and think about your turn decision whilst you are making your play on the flop. It is a good idea whilst on the flop to think “Okay, so if I make this play now, what will I do on the turn?” By asking yourself this question you will find yourself making more educated moves on the flop, and not feeling so lost when you get to the turn.

Useful turn strategy articles:

  • Importance Of Aggression (Intermediate)
  • Pot Odds (Beginner)
  • Reverse Implied Odds (Advanced)
  • Bet Sizing (Beginner)
  • The Float Play (Advanced)

Go back to the thorough hand guide.

Every hand that gets dealt at Ignition Casino has four possible phases known as streets: pre-flop, flop, turn, and river. Pre-flop is the most important of these streets to get right – the decisions you make here will have an increasingly large impact on later streets, and you might even win the pot before any community cards are dealt. Having said that, pre-flop play isn’t the most complicated part of a real money online poker game.

For that matter, playing the flop can be boiled down to some simple concepts that will help you get the most value when you play online poker for real money. It’s the turn and river in a poker hand where things get dicey. The more streets you travel down, the more money gets put in the pot, and the trickier the hand becomes. But with a little preparation and practice, you can start playing the turn and river like a boss. This guide will help you navigate those streets from beginning to end.

What Is The Turn In Poker


Betting Pre-Flop

Before we get to those later streets, let’s take a moment to emphasize the importance of getting things right with your pre-flop betting strategy. When you decide what to do with your two (or four) hole cards, you’re setting up a chain of events that could lead to success or failure, and that end result could be big or small in stature – all depending on what you and your opponents do before the flop.

The best way to increase your chances of success on the turn and river is to use a solid starting range of opening hands pre-flop. By playing only your best hands from early position, then widening your range as you open from later positions, you make it less likely that you’ll dig yourself into a hole that you can’t get out of. Make pre-flop play the focus of your online poker strategy before you graduate to later streets.

How to Play the Flop

Let’s also take a quick look at the flop, since it is the next street you’ll have to navigate. When those three community cards come out, take a moment to assess the strength of your hand, whether you’re in position or out of position, and how many players are involved. You’ll want to have a basic go-to strategy for which moves to make (bet, raise, check, call or fold) depending on these three factors. Ideally, you’ll adjust this strategy to take into account the playing style of your opponents. Having a plan like this is an essential part of any good real money poker strategy.

If you’re in a relatively easy game with a lot of multi-way hands, just “bet your hand” for value and don’t worry too much about making fancy plays. But if you’re playing in a reasonably tough game, most of the hands you’ll get into should be against a single opponent, and those are the hands where strategy will be the most useful. Generally speaking, when you’re in position – as you should be more often when you use a good pre-flop strategy – you’ll want to bet or raise with your best hands and your best bluffs, call with your marginal made hands (along with some draws where appropriate), and check back or fold the rest. This will put you in the best shape possible for the next streets.

Playing the flop out of position is trickier. If you have a really strong hand, there will be times when you’ll want to check-raise or even check-call instead of leading out, so you don’t get your opponent to fold too soon. You’ll also be check-calling with a lot of medium-strength hands that you would have otherwise bet in position. And you won’t have the luxury of checking back weak hands; if your opponent bets after you check, your best option will usually be to fold. This is important to note, because it will change what kind of cards you might have in your range once the turn comes.

How to Play the River

Now we’ve reached arguably the most difficult street in online poker. Your approach pre-flop and on the flop should naturally lead you to make the right play on the turn. If you were the aggressor on the flop and the turn card is a blank, you can usually keep firing away whether you have a made hand or not, but if it’s a scare card, consider making a smaller bet when you double-barrel, or even check back if you’re in position and you’d rather take the free card.

Playing the turn when your opponent is the aggressor is where the pros separate themselves from the Joes. You can fold, call or raise; people generally don’t bluff-raise enough in this situation, by the way. If a scare card comes on the turn and you’ve got a strong draw, don’t be afraid to play it quickly. Your opponent might fold, but if he calls, you still might end up with the best hand on the river.

How to Play the Turn

When you’re on the river, all five community cards have been dealt, so there’s no more drawing to do – you’ve either made a hand or you haven’t. This makes the river easier to figure out than the turn, even if the risk is greater and your heart might be pounding. In general, you want to bluff less often on the river than you do on the turn, and less on the turn than the flop. And the stronger your hand is, the bigger you want to bet.

That’s especially true if you’re the one acting first on the river. What if you’re in position? If you’ve been the aggressor and your opponent checks, the same general concept applies, but if you’re the one calling down and your opponent fires again on the river, now you’ve got a choice to make. Pot odds will play a role; if your opponent bets small, you can call the river with a wider range of hands, since the risk is lower. If he bets big, you’ll need one of your stronger bluff-catchers to call with.

You could also raise the river, of course. Again, this play doesn’t get used nearly often enough, because people are risk-averse and don’t bluff-raise as often as the math suggests. But in certain situations, you can get your opponents to bet-fold the river. If you suspect they have a marginal made hand, and that fifth community card is a scare card that might have completed your straight or flush, this could be a good time to bluff-raise – especially if you have cards in your hand that block your opponent from holding the nuts. Just make sure you size your bluff the same as you would if you actually had that monster hand.


Poker Bad Beats

The Turn In Poker

Turn card in poker

Your Turn In Poker

Before we wrap up, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the power of bad beats. Fortunes can change dramatically on both the turn and river; you can have a hand that’s strong on the flop, then the turn is dealt and you suddenly find yourself in a bad spot – maybe you had a made straight when the first three cards came out, but an unlikely turn card delivers a possible flush or full house to your opponent.

Turn Strategy In Poker

If you’re going to play poker online, tips won’t come any more valuable than this: The only way to inoculate yourself from getting tilted by bad beats is to realize that each street is a single phase of the hand with its own set of decisions, however related they may be. Don’t start dreaming about the pot you’re going to win when you get a strong hand; be prepared to change tack for every possible turn and river card that comes out. And you never know, what looks like a bad beat on the turn can swing back in your favor on the river. Play poker online at Ignition Poker right now and show us your new turn and river skills.